How to Hire JavaScript developers in Delhi

In this blog, we provide you all information on how to hire JavaScript Developers in the Delhi region for your short-term and long-term projects.

How to Hire JavaScript developers in Delhi


In recent years, the technology landscape in India has witnessed a remarkable surge in the number of JavaScript developers, reflecting a fundamental shift in the country's software development scene. JavaScript, once primarily associated with front-end web development, has now evolved into a versatile programming language that powers both the client and server sides of applications. This evolution has led to a growing community of skilled JavaScript developers who are driving innovation and impacting businesses across the spectrum.

The rise of JavaScript developers has particularly resonated with startups and multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in India. Startups have found JavaScript to be a cost-effective and efficient tool for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Its ease of integration with other technologies, such as Node.js for server-side development, has enabled startups to rapidly prototype and deploy their ideas, fostering a culture of innovation.

On the other hand, established MNCs have recognized the agility and scalability that JavaScript-based technologies bring to their operations. Many have embraced modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js to revamp their user interfaces and deliver seamless digital experiences. This shift has not only improved user engagement but has also allowed MNCs to quickly adapt to changing market demands.

There are more than 1.2 million JavaScript developers, but only 20% of them work for product companies. Around 30% of these product company-affiliated developers are situated in Delhi. In this blog, we will explore the talent landscape of JavaScript developers in the Delhi region, shedding light on effective strategies for their recruitment.

Key Insights on JavaScript talent in product companies based out of Delhi

  • JavaScript developers are more common than developers specialising specifically in Node.js or ReactJS. This could be attributed to the fact that JavaScript is a more foundational language, hence used a lot more developers.
  • The share of JavaScript talent varies across companies and industries. For the companies analysed, we find it ranges from 15% to 30% of the total engineering workforce (this is relatively higher than the share of ReactJS or Node.js developers).
  • According to our analysis, most of the JavaScript talent in these companies is SDE2 and SDE3, with an experience of 2 to 6 years. This experience range typically shows that companies value developers who have moved past the beginner level and have actual hands-on experience working on projects, making them skilled at coming up with solutions and working well with their teams.
  • PayTM, Zomato, and Urban Company have a very high share of JavaScript developers in their engineering teams (more than 25%). PayTm has the highest number of JavaScript developers (600+). This indicates that high scale startups such as PayTM and Zomato would be good options to look for JavaScript talent across all levels.

The blog is specifically designed to assist hiring managers in global product companies who are looking to hire JavaScript talent from overseas markets. Additionally, we've released related articles detailing the approach to hiring ReactJS and Node.js developers in a separate blog. 

Strategies for Hiring JavaScript Developers in Delhi: Navigating Short-Term and Long-Term Employment

One of the crucial decisions that companies face when hiring JavaScript developers in Delhi (or anywhere in India) is whether to opt for contractors or full-time employees. This choice is pivotal, as it significantly impacts the project's success, resource allocation, and overall business goals. Understanding the nature of projects that JavaScript developers can tackle on a contractual basis versus those requiring dedicated full-time employees can help companies make informed decisions:

Contractual Employment

  1. Short-Term Projects: If the project has a defined scope and is expected to be completed within a specific timeframe (usually less than one year), hiring contractors could be beneficial. Contractors are adept at focusing on the project at hand and delivering results within a set timeline.
  2. Specialized Skills: For projects requiring specialized skills or expertise, contractors can be a suitable choice. They bring focused proficiency to the table, ensuring that the project benefits from their specific knowledge.
  3. Temporary Resource Scalability: When companies experience temporary spikes in project workload, hiring contractors allows them to scale up their resources quickly to meet demands. Once the project concludes, there's no obligation to retain the contractors, providing flexibility.

Examples of Contractual Projects:

  1. Developing a responsive landing page for a time-sensitive marketing campaign
  2. Integrating a payment gateway into an existing e-commerce platform
  3. Building a mobile app prototype for demonstration purposes

Full-Time Employment

  1. Long-Term Initiatives: Projects that are part of a long-term business strategy, such as building a core product or developing a complex application, often benefit from the stability and continuity provided by full-time employees.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Projects that require ongoing maintenance, updates, and improvements necessitate the consistent attention of dedicated employees who are invested in the long-term success of the project.
  3. Team Collaboration: When a project involves close collaboration with other teams or departments within the company, having dedicated employees ensures seamless communication and integrated efforts.

Examples of Full-Time Employee Projects:

  1. Developing and maintaining a feature-rich SaaS platform
  2. Building a comprehensive e-learning platform with regular content updates
  3. Creating a customized customer relationship management (CRM) system tailored to the company's specific needs

However, identifying the right full-time developer talent can pose a challenge, particularly given the vast pool of over a million developers possessing varying degrees of JavaScript proficiency. While avenues like LinkedIn, developer communities, and well-known job platforms such as Naukri can be explored, the process of discovering the right talent presents certain challenges, including:

  • Selecting the relevant industry
  • Determining accurate salary expectations for the talent
  • Identifying the right companies to consider for hiring
  • Establishing a proper recruitment process

In the subsequent sections, we will shed light on some of these questions and explore how one can effectively navigate the JavaScript talent pool while hiring a full time employee in the Delhi region.

Total JavaScript Developers in Delhi

Our research shows that although the total number of JavaScript developers in Delhi is over 250K, more than 85% of them are working in the services sector. As per our estimates, approximately 35K JavaScript developers are working for various product companies in the Delhi, Gurugram and NCR regions. 

List of Product Companies that Hire JavaScript Developers in Delhi

Here is a list of the product companies based in Delhi that hire JavaScript Developers.

product companies based in Delhi that hire JavaScript Developers.

Let us now delve into the distribution of JavaScript expertise based on experience levels across some of the leading product companies (such as PayTM, Oyo, and Zomato) mentioned earlier. It's crucial to acknowledge that this analysis is based on data available until August 26th, 2023, and the dynamics could change as new engineers join and existing professionals leave these organizations.

Distribution of JavaScript talent by experience in product companies.

Here are two key insights based on the provided data:

  1. Experience Distribution: The data indicates a gradual increase in the number of team members as the experience level progresses from junior to mid-managerial levels. This could suggest a healthy career growth path within these companies, as there is an increase in team size from SDE 1 to higher roles like Tech Lead. This trend might signify that these companies focus on nurturing talent and providing opportunities for advancement.
  2. Strong Middle Management: The roles of SDE 2, SDE 3, and Tech Lead collectively comprise a significant portion of the team (almost 68%). This concentration indicates a strong emphasis on middle management, which is crucial for effective project execution and team coordination. This could imply that these companies prioritize experienced professionals who are self-driven to contribute to problem-solving themselves as well as can guide and mentor junior team members.

Salaries and Compensation

Following are the salary levels of JavaScript Developers at Top Product Companies in the Delhi region.

Salaries of JavaScript developers in FTE roles in Delhi (INR)
Salaries of JavaScript developers in FTE roles in Delhi (USD)

On average, JavaScript developers typically get annual salary hikes ranging from 10% to 20%, which are contingent on their individual performance and the company's policies. However, the extent of these appraisal increases can vary significantly based on the specific company and the candidate's performance, with exceptional performers sometimes receiving up to 50% increments.

When considering a job switch, candidates have the potential to negotiate for a salary hike between 10% and 50%, depending on their performance and the new company's policies. It is crucial to understand that these numbers can vary significantly and depend on a number of variables, including the candidate's experience, the company's financial situation, and the state of the labor market at the time of the transition.

Hiring JavaScript Developers for Short-Term Projects

Global hiring managers looking to hire for short-term JavaScript projects should go for freelancers or contractors. Here are some steps to find suitable candidates and effectively assess their skills:

Define the Needs for your Project

  • Determine the scope and requirements of your project.
  • Identify the specific JavaScript skills and technologies needed (e.g., React, Node.js, Angular).

Create a Detailed Job Description

  • Craft a clear and comprehensive job description that outlines the project, responsibilities, skills required, and project duration.
  • Mention if the work is remote or on-site.

Choose Freelance Platforms

  • Explore reputable freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Toptal, and Guru.
  • These platforms allow you to post your job description and receive proposals from interested freelancers.

Post Your Job

  • Create a job posting on the chosen freelance platform. There are many to choose from, such as Upwork, Flexiple, and Fiverr, to name a few.
  • Use relevant keywords in the job title and description to attract the right candidates. E.g., JavaScript, ES6, ECMAScript, Frontend, Backend, Full Stack for highlighting skills, or React Native, Ionic, and Cordova for highlighting Libraries to be used

Review Proposals

  • Evaluate the proposals received from freelancers.
  • Look for candidates with relevant experience, positive reviews, and a strong portfolio showcasing JavaScript projects.

Conduct Interviews

  • Shortlist a few candidates and conduct interviews.
  • Assess their technical skills, communication abilities, and whether they understand the project's requirements.

Check References and Past Work

  • Request references from the freelancers' previous clients or employers. Most of them have reviews publicly displayed on their profile pages.
  • Review their past work to ensure it aligns with your project's needs.

Evaluate Rates and Terms

  • Discuss the freelancers' rates and payment terms.
  • Clarify expectations regarding project milestones, deadlines, and communication.

Assess Cultural Fit

Determine whether the freelancer's work style and communication align with your company's culture.

Contract Agreement

  • Draft a clear contract that outlines project details, scope, deliverables, timeline, payment terms, and intellectual property rights.
  • Ensure both parties agree to the terms before proceeding.

Start the Collaboration

Once the contract is signed, onboard the freelancer to your project management tools and communication channels.

Provide Clear Guidelines

Clearly communicate project requirements, objectives, and any specific guidelines or preferences.

Regular Updates and Feedback

Maintain regular communication to track progress, address any issues, and provide feedback.

Payment and Invoicing

  • Set up a payment schedule based on project milestones.
  • Process payments promptly according to the agreed terms.

Maintain Open Communication

  • Keep the lines of communication open throughout the project.
  • Address any concerns, changes, or additional requirements promptly.

Project Completion

  • Review the completed work against the agreed-upon deliverables.
  • Provide feedback and ensure all requirements are met before closing the project.

Leave a Review

  • After the project concludes, leave a review for the freelancer on the platform.
  • This helps build their reputation and provides feedback to future clients.

How to Hire JavaScript Developers in Delhi

Here's a step-by-step guide on how global hiring managers can hire top JavaScript developers in Delhi:

Define Your Requirements

Before you start the hiring process, clearly outline the skills, experience, and expertise you're looking for in a JavaScript developer. Determine whether you need frontend, backend, or full-stack developers.

Create a Job Description

Craft a detailed job description that includes the role's responsibilities, required qualifications, technologies, and specific project details. Highlight your company culture, values, and any perks to attract top talent.

Choose a Hiring Platform or Recruitment Agency

Decide where you'll post the job listing. You can use various platforms such as job boards (Naukri, Indeed, LinkedIn), freelance websites (Upwork, Freelancer), or tech-specific platforms (GitHub Jobs, Stack Overflow Jobs). Alternatively, you can also choose to seek professional expertise from talent agencies such as Wisemonk.

Review Applications

Carefully review the resumes and portfolios of applicants. Look for relevant experience, projects, and technologies.

Conduct Initial Interviews

Screen candidates through phone or video interviews to assess their technical skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Technical Assessment

Conduct a technical assessment or coding test to assess the candidates' coding proficiency and grasp of JavaScript and related technologies. You can present them with a coding task that aligns with your project's requirements to gauge their aptitude for problem-solving. This stage holds significant importance, particularly for junior and mid-level developers. For senior developers, it's advisable to introduce such coding assessments in later stages of the interview process, as they may not be receptive to them initially.

In-Person or Virtual Interviews

Invite the top candidates for an in-person or virtual interview. This can be a more in-depth technical interview where you discuss their past projects, architecture decisions, and how they handle challenges.

Assess Soft Skills and Cultural Fit

Assess the candidates' communication skills, teamwork, and how well they fit into your company culture. This step is crucial to ensure a harmonious working relationship.

Check References

Contact the references provided by the candidates to verify their work history and performance in previous roles.

Offer and Negotiation

Once you've identified the ideal candidate, extend a job offer. Be prepared to negotiate on salary, benefits, and other terms to reach an agreement that's beneficial for both parties.

Onboarding and Integration

Once the candidate accepts the offer, work on the onboarding process. Provide them with the necessary tools, resources, and access to start working on your projects seamlessly.

Set Expectations

Clarify the expectations, roles, and responsibilities right from the beginning. This will help create a clear understanding between you and the developer.

Probation Period

Consider a probation period to assess the developer's performance in real projects.

Continuous Feedback and Communication

Maintain open communication with your developer. Regularly provide feedback, discuss progress, and address any concerns that may arise.

Hire JavaScript Developers in Delhi with Wisemonk

As a professional agency with a well-established local network, Wisemonk simplifies the hiring process by providing guidance on suitable companies to hire from based on your specific job requirements. We go the extra mile by offering detailed salary benchmarking reports, ensuring you make informed decisions. With a focus on pre-assessment, Wisemonk presents you with pre-accessed talent profiles, saving you valuable time and effort. Speak to us today and accelerate your hiring in not just Delhi but the whole of India.