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Get in-depth insights on hiring the best engineering talent in India.

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Comprehensive salary insights for top 15 engineering roles

Gain valuable hiring insights, including targeted companies for recruitment and sample candidate profiles within the top engineering positions.

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Data collected from top 500 Indian companies

Access compensation insights for various engineering roles with 2 to 5 years of experience.

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What’s included?

See what’s inside the Compensation navigator report

Icon of a compass

Target companies that you should hire from

For each role, get names of 10+ leading companies that house the top talent of India.

Icon of a Notepad

Sample candidate profiles with salary for each role

Each sample profiles offers information about compensation levels, location, educational background and years of experience.

Icon of a Dollar

Verified and recent salary data

Easily analyse salaries by years of experience, company name of real and verified candidates

Images of few pages from report showing charts
About the eBook

Includes 1500+ data points on engineering team salaries in India

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco mere laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse.

Candidate profiles per role
Candidates analysed
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Get access to the right salary benchmarks for your team

We are your talent partners in India

Hire and grow your talent base in India without setting up a local entity or bank account.

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Hire Employees or Contractors

Talent sourcing, head hunting, executive search

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Employer of Record

Local Payroll, Compliances, Tax optimization and planning

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Equipment management

Equipment leasing, ordering, Asset register, Recovery, local vault

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Employee benefits

Family health insurance, employee gifting, meal cards, reimbursements

Frequently asked questions

What is the WiseMonk Referral Program?

The WiseMonk Referral Program allows you to earn rewards by referring companies to our EOR platform. For each successful partnership that stems from your referral, both you and the referred company receive a $500 bonus.

How do I join the WiseMonk Referral Program?

Simply register as a WiseMonk Affiliate and you'll receive your unique referral link via email. You can then start sharing this link with your network.

Who can I refer to the WiseMonk Referral Program?

You can refer any company that is looking to streamline their talent operations and could benefit from partnering with remote global teams through our EOR platform.

How many companies can I refer to WiseMonk?

The sky's the limit! As a WiseMonk Affiliate, you can refer as many businesses as you like. There's no limit to your earning potential.

When and how will I get paid?

You will be notified once a company you referred becomes a paying customer with WiseMonk. You will receive a commission of $500 when the company becomes a paying customer under Wisemonk’s EOR services. The affiliate commission will be paid out in the following month.

How will I know if my referral has been successful?

We’ll let you know by email when a company you referred has signed up and availed Wisemonk’s EOR services.

Will I receive the commission if the referred company avails only equipment leasing services through WiseMonk?

At the moment, we do not provide commissions for referrals availing equipment leasing services only. The commission will be earned for companies availing Wisemonk’s EOR service.

How will the referred companies receive their $500 worth of credits?

The credits will be available on the company's admin dashboard post onboarding. The company admin can utilize the available credits during payment of monthly invoices. It should be noted that the company cannot utilize 100% of their credits on any single invoice.

Can I track the status of my referrals?

Yes, you can track the status of your referrals by emailing us at

What happens if a company I refer does not become a WiseMonk customer?

In order for you to receive the referral bonus, the company you refer must become a paying customer of WiseMonk. If they do not become a customer, no bonus is issued. However, there is no limit on the number of referrals you can make, so you can always refer other companies.