How to Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi

In this blog, we provide you all information on how to hire ReactJS Developers in the Delhi region for your short-term and long-term projects.

How to Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi


In our previous blog post, we explored the world of ReactJS and how it's changing the way we build websites and apps. We looked at how ReactJS developers are in high demand all across India and learned about their salaries, where they work, and other important details.

One interesting thing we found out is that more than 30% of all the ReactJS (product company) developers are based in Delhi. This tells us that Delhi (including Gurgaon and Noida) is a big hub for ReactJS talent. In this blog, we are going to zoom in on Delhi and learn all about the ReactJS talent market there.

Key Insights on ReactJS talent in product companies based out of Delhi

  • The share of ReactJS talent varies across companies and industries. For the companies analysed, we find it ranges from 3% to 10% of the total engineering workforce.
  • According to our analysis, most of the ReactJS talent in these companies is SDE2, with an experience of 2 to 4 years. The experience range indicates that these companies value developers with a solid foundation in ReactJS. This range usually signifies professionals who have moved beyond the basics and have gained practical experience on projects, making them effective at implementing solutions and collaborating with the team.
  • PayTM has the highest number of ReactJS Developers (217). It also has the highest number of ReactJS developers at any designation (junior, mid-level and senior-level) amongst all the companies analysed. This indicates that PayTM is a good option to look for React.JS talent across all levels.

The blog is specifically designed to assist hiring managers in global product companies who are looking to hire ReactJS talent from overseas markets.

Hiring ReactJS Developers in Delhi: Approaches for Short-Term and Long-Term Employment

Companies have the flexibility to adopt distinct strategies when seeking ReactJS developers, tailoring their approach based on the project's duration. Organizations can either opt for short-term endeavors, such as specific project implementations (e.g., website redesigns, feature additions), or decide to onboard dedicated remote developers for more long term strategic projects, like extended development cycles or comprehensive product enhancements.

Hiring ReactJS Developers for Long-Term Projects: Why Dedicated Experts Matter

When you're planning to work on long term projects (more than 1 year) with ReactJS, it's better to hire a full-time employee. They learn your project really well, work closely with your team, and help you reach your goals faster because they focus only on the project. Dedicated developers also keep your ideas safe. Unlike contractors, they keep your project running well, fix issues, and scale it as per business requirements. Contractors might not stay around for all of that.

But finding the right dedicated developer talent can be difficult. You can look on websites like LinkedIn, ask around in developer groups, or use popular job websites like Naukri; but there are challenges to overcome in finding the right ReactJS talent, including:

  • Selecting the relevant industry
  • Determining accurate salary expectations for the talent
  • Identifying the right companies to consider for hiring
  • Establishing a proper recruitment process

In the subsequent sections, we will shed light on some of these questions and explore how one can effectively navigate the ReactJS talent pool while hiring a full time employee in the Delhi region.

Total ReactJS Developers in Delhi

Our research shows that although the total number of ReactJS developers in Delhi is over 65K, more than 95% of them are working in the services sector. As per our estimates, approximately 3,000 ReactJS developers are working for various product companies in the Delhi and NCR regions.

List of Product Companies that Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi

Here is a list of the product companies based out of Delhi that hire ReactJS Developers.

List of Product Companies that Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi

We will now explore how the ReactJS talent is distributed (by experience) across the top product companies (E.g., PayTM, Zomato, and PolicyBazaar) mentioned in the above list. It's important to note that the analysis relies on data accessible up to 23rd August 2023, and this landscape might shift due to the addition of new engineers and the departure of existing professionals within these companies.

Distribution of Talent (by Expertise) of ReactJS developers in Delhi

Based on our study, most of the ReactJS developers in these Delhi-based companies are SDE2 and have worked for about 2 to 4 years. This indicates that the companies appreciate developers who know ReactJS well. This experience range typically shows that the developers have moved past the beginner level and have actual hands-on experience working on projects, making them skilled at coming up with solutions and working well with their teams.

Salaries and Compensation

Following are the salary levels of ReactJS Developers at Top Product Companies in the Delhi region.

Salaries of ReactJS Developers in FTE Roles in Delhi (INR)
Salaries of ReactJS Developers in FTE Roles in Delhi (INR)

On average, ReactJS developers typically get annual salary hikes ranging from 10% to 20%, which are contingent on their individual performance and the company's policies. However, the extent of these appraisal increases can vary significantly based on the specific company and the candidate's performance, with exceptional performers sometimes receiving up to 50% increments.

When considering a job switch, candidates have the potential to negotiate for a salary hike between 20% and 50%, depending on their performance and the new company's policies. It is crucial to understand that these numbers can vary significantly and depend on a number of variables, including the candidate's experience, the company's financial situation, and the state of the labor market at the time of the transition.

Hiring ReactJS Developers for Short-Term Projects

Global hiring managers looking to hire for short-term ReactJS projects should go for freelancers or contractors. Here are some steps to find suitable candidates and effectively assess their skills:

Freelance Platforms

Start by exploring popular freelance platforms that host a wide range of talent. Some platforms to consider include:

  1. Upwork
  2. Flexiple
  3. Toptal
  4. Turing
  5. Fiverr
  6. PeoplePerHour

Job Description Clarity

Write a clear and concise job description that outlines the project scope, objectives, required skills, and expected deliverables. This will help attract freelancers who are a good fit for your project.

Search and Filters

Use platform search filters to narrow down your search. Specify skills (e.g., ReactJS, JavaScript), location (Delhi), project budget, and project duration.

Portfolio and Reviews

Review candidates' profiles and portfolios. Look for relevant ReactJS projects they have completed in the past. Pay attention to client reviews and ratings to gauge their work quality and professionalism.

Proposal Assessment

Evaluate the quality of the candidates' proposals. A well-crafted proposal indicates that the freelancer has taken the time to understand your project and has relevant skills.

Availability and Timelines

Ensure that the freelancers are available to work within your project timeline. Short-term projects require quick turnarounds, so their availability is crucial.

Agreement and Payment

Once you've found the right freelancer, draft a clear contract that outlines project details, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and any other relevant information. Discuss project terms, budget, and any specific requirements. Clarify expectations regarding communication frequency, updates, and revisions. On platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, consider using escrow and milestone payment systems. This ensures that payment is released only when specific project milestones are achieved.

Ongoing Communication

Maintain regular communication with the freelancer throughout the project. Address any questions, provide feedback, and ensure that the project stays on track.

How to Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi

Here's a step-by-step guide on how global hiring managers can hire top ReactJS developers in Delhi:

Define Your Requirements

  • Clearly outline the skills, experience, and responsibilities you expect from the ReactJS developer.
  • Determine whether you need a front-end developer specializing in React or a full-stack developer with React expertise.

Develop a Compelling Job Description

  • Craft a detailed job description that includes the role's responsibilities, required skills, experience level, and your company's mission and values.
  • Highlight any unique aspects of your company or projects that would attract potential candidates.

Use Job Platforms and Networks

  • Post the job on job platforms like LinkedIn, Naukri, and Indeed, specifying that you're looking for ReactJS developers in Delhi.
  • Leverage your professional network, attend local tech events, and tap into Delhi's developer community.

Review Resumes and Portfolios

  • Screen resumes to shortlist candidates who meet your criteria.
  • Review their portfolios and GitHub repositories to assess their previous work and coding skills.

Conduct Technical Interviews

  • Develop a technical interview that evaluates their ReactJS skills. Ask about concepts like state management, component lifecycle, and JSX.
  • Pose coding challenges or problem-solving scenarios to gauge their problem-solving abilities.

Assess Soft Skills

Besides technical skills, assess their communication, teamwork, and adaptability skills. Inquire about their experience working in teams and their approach to handling challenges.

Cultural Fit Assessment

  • Gauge how well candidates align with your company's culture and values during the interview process.
  • Assess their enthusiasm for your projects and whether they resonate with your company's mission.

Final Interview or Test Project

For top candidates, consider a final interview with company leaders or a practical test project. This step helps ensure they're not only skilled but can contribute effectively to your team dynamics.

Reference Checks

Reach out to their references to validate their work history and get insights into their professional behavior and contributions.

Offer and Negotiation:

  • Extend a job offer to the chosen candidate, detailing salary, benefits, and any other terms.
  • Be prepared to negotiate and find a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Onboarding and Integration

  • Plan a comprehensive onboarding process that includes introductions to the team, company systems, and project overview.
  • Assign a mentor or buddy to help the new developer integrate smoothly.

Continuous Development

Support the developer's growth by providing access to training resources and encouraging participation in workshops and conferences.

Hire ReactJS Developers in Delhi with Wisemonk

As a professional agency with a well-established local network, Wisemonk simplifies the hiring process by providing guidance on suitable companies to hire from based on your specific job requirements. We go the extra mile by offering detailed salary benchmarking reports, ensuring you make informed decisions. With a focus on pre-assessment, Wisemonk presents you with pre-accessed talent profiles, saving you valuable time and effort. Speak to us today and accelerate your hiring in India.